Oh, la! Disproving French Myths.

 In Paris

Alright, folks. I’ve been here nearly 6 months now, and I’ve grown pretty accustomed to European life. Especially the French/Parisian way of living, and I’ve got a few things to say about all these rumors. I’ll give it to you all, some rumors are very true: like the ‘French are lovers’ qui fait de l’amour ho-ho-ho thing… yeah, they totally are. I actually read somewhere that said statistically French men have more sex in a year than any other nationality. C’est fou! But on to the matter at hand: I am here today to disprove some myths that are just completely off.

1. “Parisians are rude!” 

No. You are rude. You’re rude for coming to a country without speaking the language and expecting the people around you to try and understand what you are saying. You have to at least try to speak French, or apologize profusely for your lack of ability. And before you get lippy with me about this, I want you to imagine someone from France traveling to the United States, walking into a grocery store, and asking the cashier where the bottled water is in French. Would that cashier not be appalled? Check yourself, you’re not any better because English is your language. We are not high and mighty Americans, we are rude and self centered tourists.

I think this rumor has also generated from Parisians’ aversion to small talk and smiling and strangers. It’s just a cultural difference, they aren’t trying to be rude. The same argument could be made that other cultures are ‘fake.’ Parisians are just a bit more muted.

2. “The French don’t eat fast food.”

This one might be the hardest to believe, but believe me because I say this with so much confidence. The French are obsessed with McDonald’s, and they definitely eat it more than Americans. Where an American will shamefully eat McDonalds quickly when there is no other option, or as quick breakfast before a road trip, or when drunk; the French view McDonald’s as a completely appropriate (and not at all disappointing) lunch break or dinner option. The French will ask if you want to go out to lunch or dinner, and think McDonald’s is a viable option for a restaurant. What!?

3. The American Work Week vs. The French ‘Joie de Vivre’

Okay, I don’t know if it’s just Paris, or if it just coincidentally happens to be everyone I know, but the French seem to work as much or more than Americans. Everyone I know who is working here (besides myself and the other Assistantes de Langue) starts work around 8-9:30 and don’t get home until 6-8, five days a week. The family I nanny for (and other families I know,) are often working on their laptops during the weekend. Not sure where the rumor started that the French have these ridiculously short work weeks…

They do get 2 hour lunch breaks, though. That’s pretty cool.

4. “French people smell”

I’ve never noticed a particularly smelly French person, so I always wondered where this rumor came from, until after about 4 months here, when I ran out deodorant and had to buy a French brand. I found out why.

French deodorant only works for about 2 hours. I’m not sure if the French just re-apply every two hours, or what. It’s all spray deodorant, it’s really hard to find the stick kind, and I’m pretty close to having a breakdown about it. But my French friend (after a ‘zees eez natural!’ conversation) explained to me that American deodorant probably only works for 24-48 hours because it’s full of horrible chemical and toxins. Meh, he’s right. But I’ll take that over smelling bad any day.

Anyway, that’s all for today. Message me any other rumors you want disproved. I am interested to see what preconceived ideas you all have.

xo bisous!

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