Oberkampf: L’international

 In Paris

This was one of my first nights going ‘out’ in Paris and doing something that wasn’t near a tourist attraction. The metro stop Oberkamf has a ton of bars, so a friend of mine who I met through my job, TAPIF, (but coincidentally is from Michigan as well!) went to one called l’International.

It had a pretty good vibe and it was decently packed, the drinks were a bit pricey, but that’s what I get for deciding to move to the most expensive city in Europe.

There was a show going on in the basement so we listened to that for a while, then went upstairs where we met 3 French guys, (…who might actually have been Belgian……. that part was a bit unclear.)

We both had emergency-level-had-to-pee when we left so we walked for ages trying to find a bathroom, (I work out pretty regularly and I have never done so much cardio in my life.) Eventually I stormed into Toucan Café and Connie bought two shots because she’s more polite than me

The bartender insisted I take his number, and I never called him. Now I b-line it past the Toucan Café every day on my way to the metro, which is – of course, with my fate – kiddy corner from the apartment I’ve been staying at.

That was my night.

xo a bientôt

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