French Vocab #3

 In Paris

The longer I’m here, the less vocabulary I learn. At first being here was sort of like being a small child, everything was new, there was so much to learn and so much that I did not know. Here are a few words and phrases I have learned lately, or ones I use frequently.

On verra: “We’ll see.” I use this unsurprisingly often.

Soi-même, Toi-même, Moi-même: One’s self, Yourself, Myself. The other day I said “Je suis pas vraiment moi-même en Francaise, je suis plus sarcastique en Anglais.”

Peu importe: Literally “of little importance” but used as “whatever.”

Bref: I think it’s supposed to be used like “Alright, long story short.” But you can use it as “anyway” when you’re trying to get back to the point.

Tellement: So/Very. Like, “She is so sick!” or “Elle est tellement malade.”

Péjoratif/Mélioratif: I word with negative connotation/A word with positive connotation. For example “pas mal” would be a péjoratif in French, but méliorative in English, because it is taken differently in different cultures.

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