Palais de Tokyo: Inside

 In Paris

I went to Palais de Tokyo on a whim one Wednesday when I was looking for things to do with Achille. (On Wednesday’s I have to take Achille out somewhere. It’s usually really fun and something that I wanted to do anyway.) I saw online that they had a children’s workshop that I could take him to, but since it’s me; we were too late for the workshop and were told that we could walk through the exhibit instead. It was called “Inside.”

It was the coolest exhibit I’ve ever went through. The art was eerie and sometimes erotic, (hence: ‘inside.’ I rushed Achille through those parts.) All the art tied in with the theme. I went again that weekend with a friend, and after a few glasses of wine, it was even cooler. Yes kids, you need alcohol to have fun.

The best pieces were:

  • a little cottage where it was raining inside the house. I have no idea how they made that happen, but it was pouring rain inside the house and you could stand outside and watch the rain fall.
  • A completely empty room where a man’s voice frantically screamed “get out of my head get out of my mind get out get out” (I could not see the speakers anywhere.)

And the best piece of all: A tunnel made completely out of scotch tape, suspended about 10 feet from the ground that you could actually go inside. You had to put your name on the list early enough for that one, but I got lucky and person running the line let me in. Quelle chance!

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