In Paris

Now that the holidays are over, and even though I have yet to post about Christmas, I had to make a quick appreciation post for all the people I am lucky to have in my life on the holidays, even from so far away.

Through she’s never coming home whispers on Skype sessions working as sweet reminders that I am missed, traditions being upheld through FaceTime calls, and hours of catch-up on every mundane detail so that I never miss a thing, I am constantly reminded that despite being surrounded by all this beauty in the world; I’ve got family to come home to, and that beauty will just never mean as much without the people you love to share it with.

I’ve made it through the holiday season, and I couldn’t have done it without these goons, (plus a few not featured.)

A couple important notes:

Photo 1: This was my first New Year’s Eve (in my life) without that girl.

Photo 2: I’m glad they still saw each other on Christmas and included me anyway, through FaceTime. The tradition continues, and I can’t wait for next year.

Photos 3 + 4: General cuteness and people I love.

Photos 5 + 6 + 7: Gifts that astonishingly made it through the French postal system from my amazing friends who seem determined to bring every holiday to this apartment. A mini christmas tree, comics, books, magazines, and lots of Benedict Cumberbatch. Can’t complain.

Joyeux Fetes!

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