French people and French learners, listen:

 In Paris


can you please suggest me books or films or whatever you like in French? I’m looking for something not too difficult to keep on my studies, I’m abandoning this language and I’m afraid of forgetting everything 🙁

Don’t abandon it! I was there once, and now I live in Paris. If I gave up like I wanted to, it would have changed my life completely.

I don’t know your level, but for beginners I suggest children’s books, they may seem so simple but it’s very exciting to feel like you’re understanding something. For something with more depth, I would read a book in French that you have already read in English, a story you already know well so you will not be frustrated by the language gap (reading French literature is difficult.)

I think someone else said Disney movies, and yes, for the same reason. They’re simple and speak slowly. As for amazing French film: Amelie, Ne le Dis à personne, Chaos, Delicatessen, (French cinema is amazing and can be enjoyed by anyone, even non-francaphones.) For this I suggest you watch the movie with the French subtitles on, not the English ones. You will improve so much.

Music: Louise Attaque, Dionysos, Coeur de Pirate, Yelle. (If you find a song you really love, look up the lyrics!)

Finally, don’t let single words stop you from hearing the rest of the sentence, try to grasp the sense/the ideas rather than the literal translations, download Fr-En Dict app to look up words quickly when you need to (this app works offline as well,) and you can follow my blog, I occasionally post all the new French vocab I’m learning 🙂

I have so many more suggestions but don’t want to overwhelm. Bonne chance!

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