ROME: St. Peter’s Basilica, The Vatican, and How I Accidentally Got Drunk Pre-Pope.

 In Rome

Kidding about the Pope. We obviously didn’t get to see the Pope. Would you believe he isn’t just walking around the Vatican? Disappointing. Though I wasn’t joking about the accidental alcohol abuse, but it was not my intention. The lunch we had before was at an (adorable) Italian cafe just a few feet from the Vatican. A glass of wine which turned out to be about a half liter came with the meal; a deal I obviously couldn’t turn down, and the owner loved us so much he a.) Asked us if we were modeling here in Rome (Italian warmness was like a breath of fresh air in contrast to the bitter parisian death stares I’d just left.) and b.) Gave us free shots at the end. Well, whoops.

Anyway, I think the Vatican was one of my favorite parts of Rome. It’s entirely walled off, and it was really beautiful once you got behind them. We went through the museum which was too much religious paraphernalia for Sara and I, but the Sistine Chapel was more incredible than we could’ve imagined and really inexplicable. We spent a good chunk of time just staring up at The Creation of Adam, which was really cool for Sara who went to catholic school growing up.

Afterwards, we waited in the longest line of all time for St. Peter’s Basilica, but it wasn’t too bad because it was about 70 degrees and sunny the entire time we were in Rome.


p.s. Knock-off heaven is just outside of the Vatican. If you’re a sucker like Sara and I, you will love it. Scored a pair of knock off Ray-Bans and Sara and I each got a knock-off Michael Kors bag, all under 30 euros.

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