San Francisco, California

 In San Francisco


San Francisco was one of those quick weekend trips I took while I was still working full time. It was one of those trips in between loads of other trips because I could not (and still can’t) sit still; one of those trips where I would come back and people would ask me if I was being paid to travel and I wished I could say yes.

It was wonderful, and sunny, and one day I’ll write up city guides with all the things I can remember for all the places I’ve been, but for now since I’m just back-logging I will just write a few, important tips

  • Bring layers. I’ve never been so hot so quickly and so freezing minutes later. Something to do with the San Francisco fog, I was told. Coming from the Midwest, the thought of bringing a coat to California was laughable. California had the last laugh on this one. Bring a coat.
  • Don’t skip Alcatraz. And factor half or even a whole day for it. The ferry ride there is beautiful, and the whole thing is an incredible and educational experience. I normally never listen to the audio-tours, but for this one I definitely recommend doing so. The audio really told a story and it was more like listening to a very interesting podcast… or like being inside a movie.
  • Rent a car and go to Napa Valley. We did this, and we even sprung for a convertible. I didn’t realize Napa was only about an hour outside of San Francisco– so unbelievably beautiful and worth it.
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